
Aligning the Elements
Carol M. Booton, Ph.D.

Aligning the Elements cover

Aligning the Elements, the second book in the Desperate Dissertator series, is especially for Ph.D. candidates who attend for-profit online universities and seek help to get their proposals and manuscripts approved. Readers will see what others have done to succeed and gain insights from Dr. Carol M. Booton, a professional dissertation editor (and former dissertator).

Dissertators often struggle to align the main elements of their research projects. This guide offers suggestions from Dr. Carol’s own experience and reveals how other dissertators have aligned their research elements successfully and earned their doctorates.

Written in a friendly, nonscholarly manner, Dr. Carol demystifies the challenges of aligning the research elements. You will learn that alignment is a fascinating logic puzzle. This powerful little book will help you align your elements and achieve your dream of earning your Ph.D.

“The first time I heard the term alignment in relation to my dissertation, I was working on my concept paper (the precursor to the proposal), which had just been rejected by the graduate school reviewers. The biggest problem they identified was that the elements of my paper weren’t aligned. I was confounded. What elements? What alignment? Is that like when Mars aligns with Mercury? Feedback like that is so vague. What is a poor dissertator to do?”

—Carol M. Booton, Aligning the Elements, p. 4

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  • Aligning the Elements
  • Series: The Desperate Dissertator Series (Book 2)
  • Paperback: 251 pages
  • Publisher: Independently published (May 21, 2019)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1099364760
  • ISBN-13: 978-1099364761
  • Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.6 x 8.5 inches


Applying Theory
Carol M. Booton, Ph.D.

Applying Theory book cover

In Applying Theory, Dr. Carol explains the basics of applying academic theory and answers all the questions you were afraid to ask your Chairperson…questions like:

  • Do I need theory?
  • Where do I find a theory?
  • What is a theoretical “lens”?
  • What is the difference between a theoretical framework and a conceptual framework?
  • What does it mean to “extend” theory?
  • How do I discuss theory in my dissertation proposal?
  • How have successful dissertators applied theory?

Theory can be scary but a few tips will help you overcome the mystery of theory and be on your way to earning your Ph.D. Written in a friendly, non-scholarly style, this handbook is your essential guide to theory.

List price: $15.99
ISBN 13: 978-1720912798
ISBN 10: 1720912793
5.5″ x 8.5″ (13.97 cm x 21.59 cm)
166 pages
Available from Amazon
Print version
Kindle version